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2024-07-11 10:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

100条在跟国外客户电话沟通时非常有用的英文短语 分类:商务英语 标签:外贸销售英语 权限:免费 收藏 Please login to bookmark

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starting and ending calls dealing with communication problems taking and leaving messages

电话沟通即使是对native speakers也是不容易的,对我们来说就更有挑战了,但记住和练习以下最重要的电话短语可以使之变得相对容易一些。

01 开始电话 第10813号商务沟通模板 :跟国外客户电话沟通时的有用英文短语例句模板——开始电话的寒暄或开场白(40个)

接电话 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. ABC Limited. Alex Case speaking. How can I help you? 说出你是谁(来电者) My name is Francis Cripps. I work for JUPG PLC. This is Francis Cripps (again), (calling) from JUPG PLC. Hi Alex. It’s Francis Cripps (from Finance/…) (again). 闲聊/在电话开始时展示友好 How’s it/ the conference/ your week/ your project/… going? Did you have a good weekend/ trip/ holiday/…? How’s business? I heard that the weather there is much cooler/ that… I guess that you are really busy/ that… I’m (so) glad/ sorry/ happy/ relieved/ … to hear that. (That) sounds great/ terrible/ awful/ interesting/ nice/ encouraging/ fun/ … How about you? 在开始时表现出礼貌 Thanks for calling me back. Thanks for getting back to me (so quickly). Sorry to phone so early in the morning (but…) Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Sorry to ring again so soon (but…) Sorry to trouble you again (but…) 结束闲聊/顺利进入正题 So, what can I do for you today? Anyway, have you got a minute (to talk)? 说明打电话的原因 I just got your message. I’m returning your call. Someone phoned me from this number. Anyway, I’m phoning about the meeting next week/ about… I’m calling to ask about the meeting next week/ to… So, did you see my email about the delivery/ about…? Well, just a quick call to say… Well, I was given your number by… I found your number… 要求与某人交谈 Can I speak to Kim Smith (in the Sales Department), please? Is Kim (Smith) there? I’d like to speak to someone about replacing our photocopiers/ about… I need to speak to someone in the shipping department/ in… 询问来电者的姓名 Sorry, I didn’t catch your name. May I ask who is calling? 询问对方的姓名 Sorry, who am I speaking to, please? Is that Kim (Smith)? Is this the right number for the HR department/ for…? Is that the… department/ division/ section/ team? Are you the right person to speak to about…?

02 电话正文 第10818号商务沟通模板 :跟国外客户电话沟通时的有用英文短语例句模板——商务电话电话正文(34个)

将呼叫者转给正确的人 Can I ask what it is concerning? Of course. I’ll (just) check if he’s available. Okay. I’m putting you through. I’ll connect you to… She should be able to help. 婉言拒绝交谈请求 I’m sorry but she’s away from her desk/ out of the office/ out of the country/ not in today. (She should be back…) I’m afraid he’s on another line/ her line is busy/…. 留言/口述 Can I leave a message? Can you tell her that…? Can you ask her to send me six hundred and fifty HYDV765s/ to…? My office number/ work number/ landline/ mobile (number)/ home phone is oh one double six treble one. My (postal) address is twenty-three black new word bird park new line midtown capital b capital b capital p capital m. The URL is http colon double slash high dash life dot com slash alex underscore case. My (work/ personal) (e)mail address is alexcase all one word at outlook dot com. 接受留言/接受口述 Does she have your number? Can I take a message? Shall I ask her to call you back? (Okay.) Got it (now) (,thanks). 如果你想找的人不在,你的其他回应 No, that’s okay, thanks. I’ll (just) call again later. (Do you know when she will be available?) Actually, it’s quite urgent. Could you give me his mobile number? Is there anyone else I can speak to about…? Can I help you at all? 让对方稍等 Please hold the line. I’ll connect you to a member of our customer service staff/ I’ll check if she’s available/ I’ll… Just a moment while I get a pen and some paper/ while I find the file/ while I…. Okay, please go ahead. Just a minute. I’m (just) getting your account upon the screen/ I’m (just)… 检查/澄清/不理解/处理沟通问题 Can I check that back? Sorry, could you say that again (a little more slowly)? Sorry, can you repeat the first word/ the last part/…? … Is that right? Sorry, could you spell your family name/… (for me), please? Just to (double) check,… Sorry, is that B for Bobby (or V for virgin)/ one five (or five oh)/ two words (or all one word)/ …. (or…)? 谈论书面资料(文件/网页等) Do you have the information in front of you now? I’m sending you the document/ … right now. If you turn to page (number) three and look at the second paragraph,…

03 结束电话 第10817号商务沟通模板 :跟国外客户电话沟通时的有用英文短语例句模板——结束电话(26个)

结束接收信息 Okay, I’ll make sure (that) he gets your message. (I’m sure he will get back to you soon.) 询问对方是否已经结束,并对其进行回复。 So, is there anything else (that I can help you with) (today)? (Okay then,) was there anything else (that you’d like to ask)? No, that’s all (for now), thanks. Actually, there is just one more thing…. 顺利结束电话(给出结束通话的理由) Anyway, it’s been great to talk, but I’m afraid I have a meeting in a few minutes/ I’m afraid I… (so…) I’d like to talk more about this but I’m afraid someone has just come in/ I’m afraid… (so…) That seems to have covered everything, thanks. That’s been really helpful, thanks. Okay, I won’t keep you any longer, then. 谈论下一次联系/谈论之后的跟进 Can I call you back (a little) later? Could you possibly call again (a little) later? I’ll email you by the end of business today/ later (today)/ in the next couple of days/… (I can’t hear you very well). Shall we hang up and try again? I’ll check (…) and call you (right) back. Could you (possibly) find out and call me back? Please call again if you have any other questions/ problems/… I look forward to your call. Looking forward to hearing from you. Speak to you then/ tomorrow/ soon/ later/… (, then). See you then/ tomorrow/ soon/ on Monday/ there/… (, then). 结束时的礼貌/友好的用语 Thanks for (all) your help. Thanks for calling/ your call. Sorry I couldn’t be more help. Have a good evening/ day/ weekend/…. Bye (for now).

原文链接: https://hongbanzhuan.com/100-useful-telephone-phrases/ 转载请务必加上这个链接!

Hi, 我是Ben,红板砖创始人。








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